Oct 20, 2004 16:27
todaii wasz a great day ii wasz in a betta mood todaii ii helped kevinn clean hisz locker o0oh wat a difference umm it wasz madd fun todaii ! JeSse hasz been absent from scool [[ tear tear ]] umm it wasz madd fun walking home it wasz juss me nd lynn and the treesz were making some weird noise and she goesz uH these treesz are giving usz some kind of sign ii wasz like YEA! we madd crazii and today ii had valerette practice omg ii`m tried ! and ii ran into the locker room and fell face foward ! lol ii wasz cracking up! and todaii ii had to0o go to the little girlsz room and none of maii teachersz [[ bitchesz ]] would let me uH! well ii`m otu buh bye 1 mwa ily [[ ii love jessica simpson <3 ]]