(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 21:26

1. Favorite scent. Vanilla
2. Favorite way to relax. Read
3. Favorite movie you own. POTC, LOTR
4. Favorite movie/s you don't already own. Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
5. Favorite male movie stars. Brad Pitt, JUDE LAW
6. Favorite female movie stars. Hilary Duff
7. Favorite book genre. Historical (16th century Britain), Adventure
8. Favorite clothing store. Mehhhh there are better ones in Europe
9. Favorite non-clothing store. Chapters
10. Favorite cartoon character. ...
11. Favorite CD you own. My mix
12. Favorite CD you don't already own. Sugarcult - Palm Trees and Power Lines (or something like that)
13. Pass the torch to six LJ friends  I don't have six LJ friends. Everyone hates me.
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