(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 08:36

aproxametly 3:45 I fell asleep..
4:00 my mom comes in my room telling me to get up as i ask why.. she responded "we have to go pick up andrew, his mom as passed away"
4:10 we get to his apartment and knock on his door to get him..
4:20 we get back to my house to call his step dad...
4:40 we get up to his step dads apartment and they all sit outside and take a couple of moments and cry...
5:40 we go up to the hospital to say our goodbyes.
7:30 we get up and leave as we say our last goodbyes... the only dry eye was me..

why cant i cry? I feel like shit.. I do love susan (andrews mom) and i will miss her.. but why wont I cry... am I just trying to be strong for everyone else... or am i just that cold heart not to cry.... or can it be i am trying to block it out... I can sit in that room with a smile on my face while everyone else was crying... why?
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