since people totally r doing this.. just had to join the Group!

Apr 08, 2005 01:05

1)remember way back when we 1st met..? becca walked up and went on to explain some of the reasons y u creeped me out..?
2)remember when i called u while u were waiting in ur truck for class and u flipped when i told u that i had walked to big lots and i was close to the Aquatic center..? let alone u flipped and reminded me that i need single time.. to not jump into another relationship.. like i have done in the past..
3)remember when we went to the movies and we freaked and disgusted tish and becca during the movie..?
4)when i was a bitch and i had a chip in my shoulder bc u stole my "title" as The Bitch of LHS..?
5)when i introduced u to Mike, and u all just had a blast making comments about stuff making me laugh hard enuff u told me to not die on u all
6)when we stoped talking bc u took ur ex back..?
7)when u and justin would wirelessly connect to the internet in the morning on ur laptops, Messaging people telling them random things.. mostly to their away messages..
8)when u realized i actually DO bite people.. the hard way..
9)that we met for the 1st time.. when u brought steven over that 1 time.. and it was really akward..

thats it i think.. for now at least.. comment w/ what #(s) apply to u.. have funs!
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