(no subject)

Aug 31, 2005 15:08

Law school is in full swing in this the second week, and I have already felt its wrath. Yesterday I got called on in Property (for those of you who don't know in Law School they go by the Socratic Method, basically the teachers call on students for answers. It's meant to put you on your toes and keep you prepared and show you how much you really don't know) and kind of tanked. At least I felt like I tanked because it seemed like the only thing I really got right were the facts of the case and when it came time to do any real analysis I was sort of stuck looking at the case and my briefs without any real answers. I could feel my heart racing and mind going a million miles a second, the clock slowing down and hoping that the class would end really soon or in the least someone else would make a comment. You basically are on display in front of all of your classmates and the teacher exposed for everyone to see. And I felt like I wasn't coming up with anything right, but I got out of it allright and even though I felt humiliated I'm stronger because of it. And next time I was called on, the pressure was off. Property is really the only one of my classes where my professor grills students, every other one it's mostly asking for volunteers and more steering us in the right direction arguing either policy points or nuances of the law. You definitely have to be careful what you say though. It seems my weeks are slanted work wise towards the beginning of the week as I easily have had 5 hours of work Monday and Tuesday, and less so the rest of the week. But I like it, and law school softball starts up on Thursday which should be fun. Okay, back to briefing.
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