Feb 21, 2006 21:23
tired, anxious, annoyed & mad
lovely combination.
I can't stand my mom. she causes me so much stress. i don't know why i bother even talkign to her she always brings up soemthing that i have yet to accomplish. i need to do my volunteer hours, i need to find my agenda book(which i dont use) i have to get a job, i need to join a gym. she tells me all of this and they make me feel (in the same order as before) just pissed, why the fuck do i need something i dont use?, i'm useless because i dont have a job, i'm a fatass. thanks mother for making me feel like that.
i really couldnt tell you whats wrong with me, i dont even know what it is myself.
i'm CONSTANTLY anxious for no reason. just ansy or w.e
i'm overly emotional.
turning rather violent towards my walls, i dont remember a day that goes by that i havent punched something.
the smallest things will piss me off. i have a very short fuse.(lately, especially wtih my mom)
every time i like someone they turn out to be the worst pick EVER.
i'm like a car i keep getting over-heated i cant even sleep with sheets.
i either fall asleep when i dont want to, or can never fall asleep when i want to.
i dont understand myself adn worst of all i want someone back as a friend that i should never EVER want to even think about. i should hate this person with everything i have becuase of all the pain that he put me through yet i want to become friends with this person again, why would i want to do that to myself?
also i've been getting some really horribly cabin fever. i constantley need to find a way out of the house.
yet i have no friends that will take me anywhere, i need some new friends. i have a pathetic life.
on top of all of this the guy i used to like with that girlfriend, so i dont like him anymore because theres no chance is now and has been for a week been overly flirting with me, kissing my head and cheek. yet when i call him this weekend to hang out and see whats going on, hes wtih his g/f. it sucs.