's the drabble meme from KShay and a RL moment.

Apr 29, 2009 23:26

RL Comment: Other than homework and sleep I did nothing, saw nobody but my dog, and watched TV...great life huh?

Meme from kaylashay81 & morgan_cian
Alex O'Loughlin was beyond dreamy tonight...giggle. Vincent's life story was rather sad and his compassion he showed towards one of his victims was very understandable. His death was rather poetic and he looked very peaceful, pretty really. Although I don't think he can pull off the long john look at all well or handsome.

And CSI NY was more than a bit mildly upsetting and depressing. Although to see such emotion from Mac tonight was heartbreaking and left a bitter taste in my mouth. And considering the news stories about a man who is suspected of being a camp guard has been in the media so much lately I'm not surprised someone chose to write an ep about on some show.
The next TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble (or rambling ficlet) of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. I'd like to request that you ask for something I don't normally write in but am a fan of or have maybe mentioned wanting to write in. Or just what you want that you know I can write.

PS: I can't guarantee these being done right away as it's finals week at school but I realize that drabbles are my way of staying in the fanfic game so gimme gimme...*sniffles and says please*

Bonus: I already owe a fic drabble etc to  ella_in_spades

Fandoms I can do: NCIS, all CSI's, BTVS, Southland, HP, Highlander, RPS for country music, Stargate, SGA, Crossovers!!!!!
Pairings: Please give me slash pairings or HET pairings you know I can write :)
Prompt Spots Remaining: 10

tv, rl, writing, meme, random

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