Dec 06, 2008 15:08
So I have never liked writing/reading Het at all. I've loosened up a bit over the last year. Probably due to the Tony/Maddie fics by Phillie---loved them and was way inspired by them too. But if I can ask for anything this year it would be decent, well written, plot worthy Het fics. Preferably Tabby, Tate, or Tiva...prove to me folks that those pairings work well together. I've read alot of "bad" fics with those pairings but please give me something to read here folks....even Paula and Jeanne pairings would work. I'm looking for more new stuff to read and I'll be giving Het a try this year :)
And seeking more recs in: SGA, CSI-all(no gsr), BTVS.
And on a random RL moment I had to come home from work today due to being sick. Putting it politely I went "exorcist" all over the resturaunt's floor. Ummm yuck.
seeking recs