Why did I come back to school?
Why am I such an idiot to have taken so many psych classes?...it hurts to think right now.
And another why is oh why oh why do I wait so long to write simple and small papers ugh?
On the other hand I found a police dept. that I'd give a limb or tap dance to get into. And due to a job fair in CrimJust I get to go back to my fav town in this podunk state. And another thing is why do I do so much for the Republicans when squat is what I get and hell is what I go through?
And lastly why am I rearranging my life to have Grandma move in with us? Oh wait I can answer that one...b/c I love her.
Maybe I really am a little bit sociopathic. ;)
And on a random note this song is helping me through---most def b/c RDJ is in it and I just had to a sociology project on him-the teacher has us do the wierdest GROUP assignments ever. And that takes into account 5 years now of college classes. But I offically met the most boring prof ever...and funny thing is he used to be my next door neighbor. He's the satan in my world lately-too much critical thinking and analyzing. I find myself/my brain constantly doing the nit picky thing now and it's very very headache inducing.