Title: “A Juxtaposed Reality” Day 15-Late Submission
Author: Lil Jei
Fandom: CSI Vegas
Pairing: Greg/Nick
Rating: PG 13 maybe
Word Ct: 500+
Prompt: After years of being forced to hide their relationship because of George’s fears, Eric’s had enough and he gives George an ultimatum: Either George faces his fears or their relationship is over.
Prompter: ?
Kink: Mpreg and Coming Out
Summary: George is pregnant. Eric doesn’t know. Eric wants the relationship that Nick and Greg have on the AU version of CSI. Imagine the first part with Nick & Greg pregnant as what actually happened with George & Eric in this part….but they decided to add the pregnancy into their “love-slash fest” plotline on the show as well- hence part one. Griss/Peterson made them hehehe. Did I confuse you enough?
A/N: This is part 2 of ??? I don't if I will continue this or not…day 12 is Mpreg (Nick’s POV). Day 15 will be “real life” Mpreg and Coming out (Greg’s POV). Unbeta’d of course J. The pregnancy basically made them come out in the future(you can imagine it though)…it shows in reality and on TV but that isn’t for this round-sorry :(. And a warning---I’m gonna leave ya hanging on with this one…use your famed imagination fan fic readers cause I’m too tired and my muse has just died from exhausted exsanguination.
Eric had impatiently been waiting for his shift to be over. He’d regressed to the point that he’d been clock watching for oh about 90% of his time on set. It had been a long couple of months. He and George had been at odds for most of that time. And if Eric was honest, with himself, he hadn’t the foggiest idea why and where it had gone screwy. They’d been together over two years now and it was right after their anniversary that things had gone wonky.
He knew that he could be at fault what with his pressure on George to finally walk out of that decades old closet of his. It wasn’t as if they were a big secret or anything. After the 4th or 5th time being caught by WP off set and in some supply closets, they’d given in and told their old friend the truth. The rest of the cast and crew had been told just a bit later. But it was the fans and his family that George feared telling the most.
Soon it would be null and void if Eric had his way. He’d truly had enough of George’s insecurities. After having been out and about as gay as can be for the last decade and a half really Eric couldn’t take it any longer. As much as George claimed to love him, his oscillating moods had been affecting them for some time. It was about to change if Eric had his own way. While he acknowledged that George had rights to his fears he didn’t have the right to allow it as much control as he had been.
Eric loved George as much or more than Greg loved Nick and he wanted the truth to be known. No more fan girls or naked pictures in the mail, well at least of girls anyway. That’s what Eric wanted and after the last year, he felt ready to push his point. Or at least he had before George’s adamant wish that Eric stop by his place after filming ended for the day. Now here he was waiting at his lovers bathroom door aching just to hold the man and promise him love no matter who rejects the two of them.
But in reality Eric knew he didn’t just want a broken down queer door he wanted the truth behind his love’s crazy moods lately. He’d always known the older man to be a bit manic but now it was ridiculous. Nothing too outright or outlandish just very subtle shifts in George’s behavior that had Eric worried. Even WP had noticed and that was a shocker. He’d had his father figure corner him off set one day and tell him to just listen to George for once. No lambasting, no jumping to conclusions, just listening. So tonight here he was with open ears and arms waiting for the door to open. Yet when it did he was shocked. All he had time for was a quick “God he looks crappy” before George fell into his arms.