So to kill time at work tonight I finally answered
silentflux meme questions...really had to especially since I was such an asshat for last year's kink big bang.
1. What's one thing that you would fix in your main fandom(s)?
Good lord my main fandom??? Ummm that would either be NCIS, SPN, or SGA so hmmm for NCIS I'm going to say i would prevent any canon Tiva from happening. For SPN I wouldn't let Bobby or Castiel die and for SGA I wouldn't let it get cancelled.
2. What is one thing on your side-table and why do you keep it there?
Ummm sidetable for LJ or RL? On LJ I no longer have one b/c of my new LJ look and in RL I have two books-one on sign language, the other on security and corrections. I also have random cds, ipods, hygiene stuff, and my asthma meds as well.
3. What was your first fandom and why did you love it so much?
This is where I blush right? I have three first fandoms (two I don't really count and one I do)...The 1st is "The Lost Boys" but don't ask me why b/c all I can say is Kiefer Sutherland as a vampire. Secondly I would kinda count "Tour of Duty" me some Myron and Zeke slash. And the 3rd one would be Buffy The Vampire Slayer...and the reason for that is obvious-Xander & Spike w/ a little Angelus thrown in.
4. What's one talent you wish you had and one talent that you're glad you have?
I would love to be able to sing on key...I love to sing but hate being tone deaf. And the talent I'm thankful for is my writing, hands down.
5. All-time favorite character and why?
Oh god seriously??? If it was 10 years ago I would say Xander, 5 yrs it would have been Nick Stokes, John Sheppard, or Tony DiNozzo but now it's got to be Dean doubt I love Dean :)