So over on the tenspot...I am Tony.

Sep 02, 2009 14:24

Here's my insights into Tony DiNozzo from NCIS.
He's my ten spot muse etc...and these are the entries I've made in reflection of how I think his character would be or act.

201. TEN things you did this summer.
10. Recovered from injuries.
9. Found out I made "my dad" proud.
8. Was betrayed.
7. Acted like a cowboy and a hero.
6. Drove in the desert.
5. Shot a bad guy...killed the bad guy.
4. Got strong armed by a bad guy.
3.Lost the girl.
2. Got tortured.
1. Saved the girl.

202. TEN things that have changed in your life.
10. Saving Atlas. 
9. The plague.
8. Killing a man the woman I love loved.
7. Meeting Gibbs.
6. Betraying a woman I loved.
5. That damn boat.
4. Jenny dying.
3. Paula dying.
2. Kate dying.
1. Mom dying.

195. TEN things you'd do with a million dollars.
10. Buy a Ferrari.
9. Buy Abby a really nice coffin.
8. Give money to the local children's sports teams.
7. Buy myself a really nice condo.
6. Take McGee and Palmer on a spring break adventure.
5. Have flowers placed at Jenny's, Kate's, Shannon, Kelly's and Paula's graves year round.
4. Go back to college...maybe get one those fancier degrees.
3. Buy Gibbs a lifetime supply and stock in a major bourbon supplier.
2. Buy Ducky new golf clubs and a trip to Scotland.
1. Buy myself a cabin in the middle of hide from Gibbs somedays.

198. TEN foods (I'm adding drinks too) you could never give up.
10. More Italian Food.
9. Smores.
8. Water.
7. Hershey Kisses.
6. Ham and cheese on rye.
5. Coffee.
4. Booze.
3. Italian Food.
2. Donuts.
1. Cheeseburgers.

199. TEN people you'd never give up.
10. Does myself count??? It's either that or Palmer.
9. memory of Jenny.
8. memory of Jeanne.
7. memory of Paula.
6. memory of my mom.
5. memory of Kate.
4. Tim.
3. Ducky.
2. Abby.
1. Gibbs.

178. TEN things you'd change about your body.

1. My slight middle age pudge…really slight.

2. My scarred lungs.

3. My aging body.

4. My knee.

5. My broken heart.

6. The scar Jeffrey gave me.

7. The blood I still remember coating my face.

8. The constant concussions.

9. The very breakable ribs.

10. I’d want all fives senses enhanced not just my eyesight and hearing.

182. TEN fictional characters you'd exchange lives with and why.

1. James Bond. Because the thrill of the fight, the flesh of women, and the rightness of the act would be perfect for me.

2. Rick Blaine from “Casablanca.” One of the saddest yet romantic films of all time…a tale of lost and nearly unrequited love. I have felt like that’s all my life is some days.

3. Magnum P.I. I mean hello…sun, women, and a cool car who wouldn’t want that?

4. Luke from “Cool Hand Luke”. Because it’s a basic story of refusing to conform…I like that.

5. Sean Thornton from “The Quiet Man.” Because it’s John Wayne the romantic at heart.

6. I don’t know if this counts but Sgt. John Stryker from “The Sands of Iwo Jima.” A warrior surrounded by death and defeat yet still manages to rise and to hope. I could only dream of such bravery.

7. Bodhi in “Point Break”. There’s just something about him as the hippie-esque bad guy that calls to me.

8.  Jack Traven in “Speed”. I think I’d love to be Keanu’s shoes for that kind of drama. It would be such a rush.

9. Jack Ryan from “Clear and Present Danger.” While I might not like spooks, I think Ryan epitomizes the torn man. Between work and saving the world or his family…what a question.

10.  Walter Christopher Eckland from “Father Goose.” Yes, it’s one of Cary Grant’s cheesier movies but good lord I can see that kind of thing happening to me easily.

Bonus: Since 6 can’t really count. Louis Gates from “The Last of the Dogman.” He gets into trouble by following a pretty girl, lured by the adventure, and in the end gets both the opportunity of a lifetime and the girl.

PS: I could so go on…there are so many roles that could fulfill any of my every waking moment that I’d run out of room to write about them.

185. TEN places you would never go back to and why.

1. New York.

2. Arizona.

3. The USS Regan.

4. Bermuda.

5. Cartagena.

6. The cabin.

7. Jail.

8. The isolation unit.

9. The run down restaurant.

10. Any cemetery.

188. TEN confessions.

1. I really liked him.

2. I hate Gibbs sometimes

3. I miss Gerald.

4. I do like the autopsy gremlin.

5. I admire Probie.

6. I loved Kate.

7. I even loved Jeanne.

8. I might love Ziva…might.

9. I don’t miss the sex.

10. I miss the relationship.

042-Who I would Die For & Why...
10. Jeanne-cause down deep I still love her a bit.
9. Any number of the victims---b/c it's my duty and who I am.
8. Jenny-that's a maybe. I feel bad professionally about her dying but damn was she a bitch sometimes.
7. Jimmy & Duck---b/c they're cool like that.
6. Ziva-she's my partner, I can't lose another.
5. Tim-he's my probie.
4. Paula-the same as Katie, I would have traded places in a heart beat.
3. Katie-I would have if I could have...god I miss her.
2. Abby-b/c she's my best girl.
1. Gibbs-enough said.

175. TEN songs you can't stop listening to (probably a little ooc)
10. Shutting Detroit Down-John Rich
9. God Love Her- Toby Keith
8. Rockstar- Keith Urban & Brad Paisley
7. Wanna be somebody- Nickelback
6. I'm Yours-Jason Mraz
5. From Where You Are-Lifehouse
4. Bringing Sexy Back -Justin Timberlake
3. Circus-Britney Spears
2. Pain-3 Days Grace
1. Solitary Man-Johnny Cash

180-TEN pieces of jewelry you'd buy for yourself or for someone else.
10. Cufflinks for Duck or maybe a pocketwatch and chain.
9. A glasses chain for Jimmy.
8. A Star of David choker for Ziva.
7. Cufflinks for Probie.
6. Another St. Christopher's medal---mine's got a bullet hole in it.
5. A "slave" chain for Abs--sexy.
4. A Platinum grill for Abs--for kicks.
3. A gold chain w/ a gold toothpick on it for Vance.
2. Cufflinks for the boss.
1. Does a over all body bullet proof suit count---it's an accessory.

166. TEN ways you die.
10. Old Age.
9. Suicide
8. Liver cancer
7. Heart Attack
6. Undercover sting gone bad
5. Complications from the plague
4. Torture and maiming
3. Bleeding out from a gunshot wound
2. Jealous Ex Lover
1. Gun shot wound to the head

167. TEN miracles you've witnessed (or been a part of...)
10. Paula saving my life.
9. The marine's son waiting to join up.
8. Abby discovering my innocence.
7. McGee's sister being proved innocent.
6. Ducky being proved innocent.
5. Surviving White.
4. Gibbs coming back to us.
3. The team not dying from the car bomb.
2. Surviving the plague.
1. Gibbs and Maddie living.

152. TEN years-(best or worst moments that defined that year)

10. I couldn’t go pro.

9. Being on that damn boat.

8. Gibbs deceived me.

7. Gibbs took me on.

6. Chip accused me.

5. Jeanne accused me.

4. Jenny died.

3. Paula died.

2. Kate died

1. Mother died.

154. Ten Days

10. My birthday.

9.  Father’s Day.

8.  May 10th .

7.  May 24th .

6.  April 30th .

5. May 20th .

4.  Halloween.
3.  Valentine’s Day.

2.  Memorial Day.

1.  Mother’s Day.

8. Plague

7. Kate’s death

6. Paula’s death

5. Jenny’s death

163. Make a mixed CD of TEN songs that remind you of a friend and why (or include a note to said friend).

To Jeanne,

Because our love was like night and day. I loved you deeply but I’m sorry you loved me at all.

 10. She’s Like the Wind-Patrick Swayze

9. It Was Almost Like a Song-Ronnie Milsap

8. Feels Like Forever-Joe Cocker

7. You Made Me Love You - Debbie Reynolds

6. Mariachi Serenade-Maurice Jarre

5. Don’t Think I Don’t Think About It-Darius Rucker

4. As Time Goes By-Jimmy Durante

3. In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning-Frank Sinatra

2. I Don’t Apologize for Loving You-Hank Locklin

1. An Affair to Remember- Debra Kerr

142 & 143 ...It's a start. Ya Got Ten Minutes...Plus My 10 Dream Jobs.

10. Goodbye Money...Hello Freedom.
9. I want to regret my broken leg...but I don't.
8. To take a chance...and headslap Gibbs-just once would be all I'd need.
7. ass-Don't Open It You Fool!
6. I should have left with her.
5. I never should have left her alone...I should have listened to Ziva.
4. I hereby tender my resignation.
3. I'll take the job Madam Director.
2. Don't Tempt me Ziva.
1. Kiss Me Kate.

10. Where I am now is just fine but if I had to choose...
9. James Bond the second...
8. Stay at home dad...thats a definite maybe though.
7. President of the US of A---or at least his bodyguard :)
6. Police Chief---hey a guy can dream of grandeur-hmmm maybe not.
5. Basketball Coach
4. Film History Critic or Teacher
3. P.I.
2. Tv Actor
1. Pro Baller

tenspot, rl, writing, tony dinozzo

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