(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 04:59

I thought i'd do a little update before i'm off to the gym!!
My life has certainly been a roller coaster of emotions these few couple of months with falling for people and then getting my heart broken, too many people rejecting me and well my self-esteem is falling like the leaves off a tree in Autumn...it seems the only people who are attracted to me are the fag hags and the lesbians!! They say that life's lessons never end and your state of self-identity is forever changing..and/or perhaps i'm having a near "I'm turning 21 soon" life crisis hahahhaha as silly as that may sound!!!!

I'm over the whole gay scene and its pretentious pretty boys who go out to pick up...
I suppose you could say i'm jealous of those cute looking boys but i'm not in that i don't potentially pick up every cute looking boy i see and have sex with them and be done with them either...i think i may have grown up too quick!! But one thing i have learnt, and quite late might i say, is that i give relationships time to build. But i still do hate the dating game of playing hard to get and all that..

I've went to Melbourne a couple of weeks back and it was fantastic...
I went and stayed at a friend's house and well we got drunk a hell of a lot!!!
Uni's going great and friends are al good things...it's just my state of mind that is screwing me up a many times and i hope this state of mind fucks off soon cause it's really doign my head in!!!
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