In my online government class, we have assignments where we have to post the answer on a discussion board. There are several questions we can choose to answer from. Reading the responses other students post is part of our assignment, and I must say, I often get much lolz from them. However, one response about anti-war protests was particularly golden.
Discussion Forum, Unit One
Using information from Chapters 6,7,8, and at least one other source (internet sites, journal, etc.) answer ONE (1)of the following questions. You are expected to include some of your own thoughts and analysis, but where you draw from another source you need to document that source. This can be done informally by inserting a parenthetical citation, such as (Richmond Times-Dispatch, Feb.12,'05)
2. Most Americans accept the idea that at least under most circumstances, political protests are a valid and even Constitutionally protected means of free expression. But many citizens draw the line at anti-war protests during time of war (such as recent marches against our policy with Iraq). Where do you stand on this-- are such protesters acting within their rights, or not? Are they traitors, patriots, or how would you characterize them? Provide some logical justification for your position, and if possible cite authorities who support your view.
question 2
The first amendment of the Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
The Constitutions gives us all the right to express our thoughts in one way or another. Do I agree with people who protest the war? NO! I understand that protest are an expression of our rights but I don't support anti-war protest. For many years many men and women have fought and died for this country. When one joins the military they know at anytime they maybe called to fight for our country and our freedom. If it was not for our military you may not live in the great country you live in today. Those that protest the war are traitors. If you don't support the mission of the military then you don't support the soldiers. These men and women are fighting to keep USA safe. A hatred act was done to us on Sept. 11, 2001 and we as a country need to support our President and our soldiers to make sure it does not happen again. If our soldiers see people at home protesting the war then they feel they are fighting for nothing.
I support the President who has said, " We are not leaving until the job is done". Having a friend who has been to Iraq and working for the government and seeing the soldiers that are training to go I know that this war is what needs to be done to keep us safe. The news only shows the bad never the good. They fix meals for our military over the holidays, they thank them daily for there help, and they want our military there to help them. The soldiers that I come in contact with are ready and want to go and they need us to support them and there mission. GOD BLESS OUR MEN AND WOMEN US SERVE THE USA!