Dec 14, 2004 13:23
yesterday was a good day....until i had to do my alg. 2 home work i had Gray come over and help me with it ..where he proceeded to tell me that he called up his ex girl friend to wish her a happy birthday then has enough nerve to tell me that she said hello....exscuse my french but FUCH THAT WHORE!!! he knows how much i can not stand just fot the simple fact all the shit she put him through and how she screwed him over.. i could understand if they ended every thing on good terms but they didnt....i know they went through alot of shit together but i mean come on now shes his EX meaning the past.... i know it sounds really imature but any one else i asked said they would be serverly pissed...i had a dream last night that she came back and moved up here and started begging him back and he came to me on his knees crying saying he was sorry but he loved her instead....i woke up with tears running down my face and my palms hurt to where i was digging my nails in to them....she gave him random phone call not to long ago at like 2 in the morning and i was with him and he wouldnt tell me who it was.....big mistake....she even called his house that late.... it puts a knot in my stomach and makes me feel like im going to vomit when i think about it...or just her at all.. its kinda funny thats the reason i dont where my glasses around him cuz i dont even want to remind him of her...she was his supposive "first love" and i know that there will ALWAYS be feelings there which made me feel REALLY good when he told me that because we dated for like a year and he told me he loved me just to find out he didnt all pretty sure he loves me now.(at least thats what he says???)i texted him earlier to ask him if he was going to pick me up from school and that i needed to talk to him....that was over 2 hours ago...i just wanna get this day over with so i can talk to him and put all these thought to rest....