Feb 17, 2006 15:54
Where was the passion that you needed the most?
Life has been going okay. Things have been somewhat strange around here, but I think that they will find themselves better one day, slowly but surely.
I'm wanting to get a little from my sorority. I think that will be good. The girls are amazing; we call them the Apple Pies. They are so happy to be a part of our sorority; I think that it is what we needed. After the fiasco last year that we call formal recruitment, this year was extremely nerve-racking. My mama was like "don't worry about, stop getting stressed." But after last year, everyone was scared; would it be a repeat? It wasn't, thankfully, and we are extremely happy right now with these girls. And now, here we are, planning pledge class activities and everything, and while it is stressful, it is fun because we all want to do things with these girls.
One of the sisters is sick; she has been taken to the hospital for surgery. I have taken over some of her responsibilities as secretary for the exec board, but it is still saddening because I would rather her be here and not be doing this. She is such a great sister and while none of us know the extent of the situation, we look forward to her return.
Spring break is coming soon, and while everyone is becoming excited to the fact that they are going home, I am not, and it saddens me. I miss my family, and after spending four months away from them where I couldn't even talk to them regularly, spring break is hard to be away from them. I will be with my grandparents, which will be amazing at the same time, and they will expect nothing of me except to relax and rest up, which will be amazing, I cannot lie. And while I am lucky that I can now talk to my parents whenever I want, with the amount of homework that I have had lately, I haven't been able to talk to them as much, which makes me miss them even more. I was able to talk to my mama for a few minutes today, which brightened my day; she always makes me smile. My dad is coming at the end of March to visit me for the week-end, which I am happy about, but now I am hoping that my mama can come out because it is looking like I will not see them as a family until May. I was supposed to fly down to Savannah for Easter, but the ticket prices are insanely high and it is way too much to spend for the three-day week-end. My roommie has been oh-so generous in inviting me to spend the long week-end with her, but I miss my family. I was excited about seeing my brother and my mama and my daddy. But, these are the consequences of living far away from my school; it was something that my family and I knew that would happen at some point, and while we were hoping that it would not be this semester due to France last semester, that is life. I am just lucky enough that I can talk to my parents whenever I want due to cell phones. Thank God for technology. ;)
It was amazingly warm here yesterday, and I know that tomorrow will be horribly cold. I don't like that, but it is only February and I know that it must stay cold a little longer before it can become warm. But can I tell you: I CANNOT WAIT. It made my whole week worthwhile. :) Isn't it wonderful when one little thing can make your whole day or even week some like it was not as horrible as it could have been?
Sometimes the whole system goes on the brink...