The way that Kathie-Lee need Regis...

Nov 16, 2005 11:23

Right.  Time to update.

So, the riots in France have escalated a little, as in the program felt the need to test out our cell phones NOW, not at the beginning of the semester.  Police men are all over, TAN employees are on the bus but not checking ID, and the riots have spread to Bruxelles where, of course, I am hoping to visit the week-end of Thanksgiving.  Perfect.

But have the riots actually reached here?  A little, but not much.  I mean, yeah, we've had some car burnings out on the brinks of the city, but not centre ville, so everything is still okay.  My parents are worried constantly, thinking that I walk past burning cars where ever I go.

It's finally gotten cold here, so it's starting to feel like the holidays, especially since they have started decorating the city for the upcoming month.  However, the directions are mostly lights and, of course, they haven't turned them on, which pisses me off.  Let's just turn them on so I can be happy, okay?  Is that so much to ask?  I think not.

So, I'm sending two packages home because la poste does not sell anything bigger than a two-kilo box, so I had to buy two of them because I want to send t-shirts home.  I had originally planned to send home a light coat and some family Christmas presents as well, but that is totally not happening, let me tell you.  Especially when the boxes, together, cost 37 euros.  I am terrified to know the price of sending them over to the states...I'm made of money, obviously.

The other day, I was locked out of my house for fifteen minutes because my purse decided to become jammed - which it does from time to time - but instead of being a little jammed, it was full-fledged "I'm not budging, bitch" jammed.  So, I sat on the steps for fifteen minutes until I was able to get my purse open enough to get out my keys, wallet, and anything else that I might need.  It pissed me off because my first purse broke, so this was my second one, and when I told my mama, she started telling me how I should just buy a new one...another new one.  Do you know expensive purses are here?  My second one was from H&M and it was still 15 euros.  So, after an hour and a half of searching yesterday (I was getting tired of the safety pins in my purse to help keep the lining down), I found a purse that wasn't as expensive as I had feared.  There was a Guess one that I liked a little more, though it was double the price and the inside pocket wasn't as big (which is where I like to hide my keys and wallet and such), so the cheaper but bigger one was the winner.  And I think that I like it.  I'm rather picky about purses, so I know that buying this one was a good choice, but still.  Purses in France are rather expensive.

So, next week is Thanksgiving (Thursday, to be exact), and the program is taking us out to dinner to a nice restaurant (I don't know how nice, obviously) to celebrate.  I'm hoping that maybe we'll have a traditional meal, as in turkey, mash potatoes, rolls, and pumpkin pie.  I don't believe that we will, but you never know, right?  I might get lucky.

So, I've been looking at my hair and you can see my roots.  As in, an inch of my roots.  And, for the people who haven't seen any pictures of me lately, I've dyed my hair very dark and since my hair is a light brown naturally, you can kind of see the roots.  I also miss my straightener.  Yes, they have these things in France, but they are not as strong and since my hair is so thick, I need one that is extra powerful - aka mine in the states.  My hair hasn't been cut since the end of August (almost three months!) and needs to have the dead-ends cut off.  It's sad; I really miss getting my hair cut.  I know, I could do it here, but my stylist in Kansas already told my parents how excited that she is to cut my hair and I already have to find someone new in PA due to the girl that I found moving to...where else?...Kansas.  (It's hard to wait to get your haircut when you live nineteen hours from your home when you are at school.)  But it's the color thing...and the shaping.  I'm growing my hair out, which means that right now, it looks funny when I wear it down, but more so, I miss wearing it down.  It's up every day and as exciting as that can be since I haven't been able to do this many years now?'s still tiring after some point.

All right, after complaining about the petty things, it is time to eat lunch and then head off to work.  Today is kind of a blah day.  Normally, Wednesdays are because I work longer than I would like and I still have homework afterwards that must always be done.  And tomorrow, I have a 09h00 which is a pain because that means that I must be up at 07h30.  However, that's better than Tuesdays, when I have to be up at 06h30 for my 08h00...much better.  However, the day after tomorrow is...Friday!  Woot woot.  Only one class and it's at 10h30 and I hand in this damn essay that I've been working on for two weeks (which included reading a book for it).  Only bad part about that: I have the same class right at 12h00 because the professor feels that we need to make up a class that cancelled a few weeks earlier.  This is why I like going to a small class: if the professor cancels a class for a day, it's not made up.  I LOVE THAT.  Here, it's ALWAYS made up.  I have to make up an economy class because the professor couldn't show up!  Sigh.

Good thing that I love makes it easier to put up with these little things.
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