Mar 16, 2005 20:25
tonight rocked my ass. Our tennis team played Gulfcoast...and we didn't even lose one match..i think we're undefeated (yes my bragging is out of this world lol). Well all like 20 of us wanted to go and eat dinner together so we headed over to the new Steak N Shake cuz it was nearby..well when we got there the line to eat was going out in the parking lot?? We were like screw this so we went to the mall so we could invade the foodcourt. So we all had a race to see who could get there the drivers were Kaitlin, Liza, Jordan, and Mr. Ciferni in his god damn porshe. I rode in Jordans car with like tania, kayla, and kelly. And we were totally winning until Mr Ciferni sped up in his porshe...then we got cut off by Kaitlin and Liza so we were in dead last...after a few middle fingers, some speeding, and a little of cutting people off we ended up in first at the mall...cuz tania did some G.I. JOE shit and jumped out of the car to get in the foodcourt first..haha it was frickin funny. Like we were all over the mall and people were like wtf?? lol we have another match tommorow and tania and i might go over to Jordans for an OC night lol..alright cant wait till spring breakkkkkk!! Woot woot...