Aug 28, 2010 00:09
Spent the whole of my day looking at kanjani8 concerts, variety shows etc. was intending to spend half of my day watching fandom/jdorama and work on my project later... but... once i started, i cant stop. hahahahaha. nth much to share but i just feel like posting and "announcing" I'm now a fan of EITO. Hahahahaha. xP but my ichiban is still and forever will be NEWS :) but for now, i'm enjoying EITO tooo ~ x)
lol. my fandom is expanding sooooo fast !! :) First, i only know NEWS and love them ! after NEWS, i got to know KAT-TUN and ARASHI tooo !!! Now.. Kanjani8 is also in !! hahahahaha. how much more will this fandom expand? how much laughter and joy are the boys going to give me.. I cant foresee.. :) but i'm really glad to be in this fandom :)