Jun 05, 2006 22:03
so this summer has consisted of:
NEW YORK!! was AMAZING!-saw beauty and the beast, sweeny todd, and drowsey chaperone on broadway! ate lunch with belle(ashley brown) sat by random people on all my flights and such went to the metropolitan museum. ate pizza. threw pennies and sex balloons at businessmen from my room and people going into the porn shop paradise. purpled in our room.you know, the usual.
working.a lot.
tagging the bridge. yep.finally.
throwing a surprise party for kelsea!!
kingdom hearts(one)
went to the beach with shawn yesterday
JET SKIIIIING TODAY WAS SO MUCH FUN!! im a crazy ass driver(well at least compared to kelsea and maddy)
i think thats it, so far. i leave for dominica this friday! im so excited. and yeaaaaah!!! love<3jordan