May 29, 2005 12:47
Im leaving for Spain in 14 days! Its just what I need right now to get away from everything and spend some time with some really cool people. My sis's boyfriend is over and im hiding, its all just a little to weird for me. I have already met him and hes really cool but i dunno, he just seems to have changed my sis a bit. Only 8 days of school left, I really dont care about anything going on in thoose days i just want to have some freedom. Im ready to end my classes and not have to worry about homework everynight. im hoping that during the summer people will actually want to hang out and not ignore me as I feel they are doing now. Anybody read the article on Torm today in the newspaper? That is one thing that im not really looking forward to is the last day of band class! See you all on Tuesday!