Sep 04, 2004 10:27
NaYm : Manda
17.. 18 in a little more than 2 months!! : AgE
LoCatIoN : Suck ass town of Jersey
SiNgLe :StAtZ
HaIr : black with maybe a little little little very little bit of red
Blue : EyEZ
Boys/Girls--> I hate girls... I hate boys... uh but boys are fun to look at :)
Water/Soda--> water
Red/Blue--> blue
Dogs/Cats--> both
Roses/Daisies--> roses
Beer/Liquor--> neither
Sneakers/Sandals--> sandals
Hair, short/long--> dun matter
Irish/Italian--> irish have really nice accents!
Day/Night--> night
City/Country--> both
¤This Or That¤
Hamburger or HotDog: cheeseburger
Fries or Onion Rings: frEnch friEs!
Pizza or Tacos: piZZa
Black or White: black
Solid or Striped: solid
Light or Dark: dark
Day or Night: night
Sun or Moon: moon
Ocean or Pool: ocean
Mountains or Beach: Beach
Car or Truck: Truck
Pants or Shorts: pants
Tapes or CDs: CDs
Pen or Pencil: pen
Paper or Plastic: paper
Crayon or Marker: Sarah's really cool awesome crayons!
Bus or Train: train
Subway or Airplane: subway
Summer or Winter: winter
Spring or Fall: Fall
Baseball or Football: neither
Basketball or Soccer: neither
TV or Radio: radio
Tea or Coffee: tea
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Cake or Pie: ice cream cake
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Arby's or Hardees: uh what?
Steak or Chicken: Chicken
Peanuts or Popcorn: popcorn
Skittles or M&Ms: m&ms
Bath or Shower: both!
Chocolate or Vanilla: ChocoLate!
[Color]- uh black, sliver, green
[Animal]- white tiger
[Soda]- C2
[Food]- pizzA
[Band]- Linkin Park Korn, others...
[SiNGeRs]- others....
[Rap artist] should die?
[Cd]- the one i made
[Have Tattoos?]- not yet....
[Piercings?]- 6 in ears, and belly button
[have Girlfriend/Boyfriend]- dun want one?
Have you.....
[[Stolen anything?]]- yUp
[[Smoke?]]- no
[[Pot?]]- no
[[Drink?]]- yeah...
[[Posed for nude pics?]]- no
[[Considered a life of crime?]]- no
[[Considered being a hooker?]]- no
[[Maybe a pimp?]]- no
[[Cheated on someone?]]- yea
[[Been married?]]- no
[[Been divorced?]]- no
[[Are you psycho?]]- YES
[[Split personalities?]]- YES
[[Obsessive?]]- YES
[[Schizophrenic?]]- YES
[[Depressed?]]- sometimes...
[[Suicidal?]]- maybe somedays
[[Mutilate animals?]]- NEVER
[[Idolize infamous criminals?]]- no
Have you ever...
*Kissed someone* Yeah
*Been in love: yep
*Been so drunk you blacked out: nope
*Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: yea
*Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
*Set a body part on fire: no
*Had an imaginary friend: I think so
*Called or seen a psychic: yeah... wait no... i thought it was psycho
*Ever cried at a chick flick: two movies thats it
*Had a crush on a teacher: Mr. Henry... but every girl did...
*Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape: no but my sister did
*Watched Punky Brewster: no but my sis did
*Prank called someone: uh huh
*Been on stage: no
*Gotten in a car accident: yeah but i wasnt driving
-Yes or no-
Are you smart? somedays
Do you like V-8? never actually had it
How bout the Splash kind? its k
Are you superstitious? no
Do you read your horoscope? yea
Do you believe in that stuff? no
Can you do a cartwheel? no
Do you have bangs? no
Do you wear glasses? when my contacts arent in
Do you wear contacts? yes
Can you drive? yes
Do you snore? uh i dunno... ill tape myself sleeping and let you know
Do you talk in your sleep? sometimes
Do you like onions? maybe... not really sure anymore
Do you like cotton candy? uh huh
Do you keep a journal? two or more
Do you like to dance? sometimes
Do you like to sing? sometimes
Are you any good at it? i dunno
Do you like to talk on the phone? not really
Do you like where you live? not really
Is your room messy right now? maybe...yes...
Do you like your writing? yeah
Are you organized? messy organized
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? sometimes
Do you sleep with socks on? never
Are you ticklish? yessa
Are you shy? uh i dun think so but people think i am...
Do you talk to yourself? its the only way to get smart answers a.k.a. the answers you wanna hear
Do you have a sense of humor? yea
Did you go to preschool? uh huh but i went longer then the rest of the kids cause i went when my brother went too... mom worked there
Would you skip school if you had a big zit between your eyes on picture day? whats picture day? oh the thing i never go to every year?
Do you believe in aliens? no
Do you believe in ghosts? no
Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster? no
Do you have a secret crush on your dentist? no
Ever gone skinny dipping? no
Have you ever thought you were gonna die? a lot of the time while driving with Sar! LoL j/p :)
Do you hate bees: no
Do you...
*Wear eye shadow: sometimes
*Have a dog: uh huh you want him?
*Want a tattoo, and where: yup in between my should blades on my back of a tribal butterfly with a tiger face on the inside of it (ask for pic if you dont understand)
*Have any regrets: no
*Have Blonde hair? i did
*Have Brown eyes? no
*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
*Do you have a best friend: yeah kinda lol
*Who do you go to for advice: Sarah, my sister, Jessika sometimes
*Who knows all your secrets? me
Do you believe in...
*God/Devil: I dont believe in either
*Yourself: sometimes
*Your friends: i believe i have like 1... lol
*Aliens: no
*Love: no
Short answer...
Are you left- or right-handed? Right
What's your middle name? lee
How many piercings do you have? uh about 6ish i think maybe more i cant remember
Tattoos? not yet
What was your first word? dunno
What are you allergic to? dunno
Funniest experiences? lots like when i randomly walk into things and stuff stupid shit
Most embarrassing moment? lots
Best day of your life? when i die ill tell you
Worst? when i die ill tell you
Do you have an innie or an outtie? innie
What languages do you know? English
What's the best awards show? MTV
What instruments can you play? none
What's on your calendar right now? wrestling
What words do you overuse? uh okay, blah, ick, lol, lots of others
What do you sleep in? boxers and a tank top
What's your bedtime? when im tired
How many pillows do you have? 2
How many CDs do you have? little less than 200
How many times have you moved? i move all the time like when i type i move my hands...
What order do "paper," "rock," and "scissors" go in? rock paper scissors
How many people go to your school? i dunno but there are 266 people in my grade
How many laws do you think you've broken as of now? uh....?
Shoe size? 10
What new flavors does Skittles need to have? what?
What new colors of M&Ms should there be? green? wait they have that black? well they have no they have that too blue? got that too yellow? i think they have that too orange? maybe no.. they got that too.. uh purple sliver
How many Star Wars movies have you seen? 1
How many stories is your house? 2
Do you have a basement or an attic or what? basement
Who do you know online that you'd wanna meet in real life? Josh, Kyle, Corey (just cause i have to for Sar)
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a
Tootsie-Roll Pop? over 200
Are you a morning person, or what? no
What does your toothbrush look like? i dunno i just know it brushes my teeth
Do you have a friend that you wish wasn't? sometimes
Who has the sexiest voice in the world? i dun know everyone in the world
What's your IQ score? dunno
What's your deepest darkest secret? shhhh its a secret
What's your favorite feature (on yourself)? My eyes
What's your favorite feature (of the opposite sex)? eyes and smile
What do you do when you're nervous? play wtih my necklace or something
Who's your role model? Allie
What celebrities do you look like? Me?
What celebrities do you act like? Me?
How old do you wish you were? 18
Where's the farthest place you've ever traveled? ???
List all your classes from favorite to least: i dont have all my classes right now so i cant
Why did the chicken cross the road? to get hit by the car so that they can eat chicken for dinner?
Do u like Britney Spears? No