May 25, 2005 18:30
You know, my life would be a lot easier if I paid attention to what I
do, I've decided. Like today, I've had all these small, short lived
moments of panic. From not remembering things I did or put somewhere
minutes before. Where are my astro notes? Oh crap where are they... oh
yeah, in the Calculus binder, of course. Wait, now where is my pencil?
Dammit, where is it... oh, by the phone. Why do I lose everything? I
mean, I lose everything I ever own, maybe if only for five minutes at a
time, but regardless, it still generates unnecessary heart pounding,
stomach in throat action. OR maybe I'm just over dramatic. Yeah, it's
probably a combination of that and the habit of setting things down and
not paying attention to where I'm putting them. Will try to be more
conscious of that.
In other news, I'm drawing on my mirror with water-soluble crayons.
There's a house and a tree and a dog and a tornado and my current high
score for solitaire (8,162) and Mal's and Annie's birthdays so I don't
forget (if anybody elses's birthday is in the next month, tell me)(I
mean, tell me if your birthday is in the next month. I know somebody else in the world will have one, but I'm not concerned with them, just you)(just thought I'd spell it out).
Yup, washable crayons are the best.
And I found some hot pink duct tape earlier today while I was looking for my Astro notes. But now I forgot where I put it.