(no subject)

Apr 03, 2008 05:26

Somehow, someone always gets me coming back to this silly thing... and after reading through all my old entries and all of their overly-angsted commentary (yes, "angsted," like "salted" or "peppered;" angst is the spice of the young) nostalgia and curiosity always overwhelms me and I post something.  Usually it's an apology for not posting in ages and a promise to start posting more, which inevitably fails to occur.  Well it's 5:32 AM at the moment, so I'm going to skip those niceties for now.

For those of you keeping track of the vaguely documented existence of Andrea, here's the score:
- I'm still at Rutgers; almost done with my anthropology major, soon to start on economics in earnest.  Hoping to graduate in Winter of 09.  Also, I'm succeeding in bringing my grades back up.
- Finally ended things permanently between Tea and I and it's really for the best for us both.  Now we can at least be good friends instead of bad everythings.
- Speaking of Tea, it turned out that her physical problems were due to stomach cancer.  She just had some serious surgery this past week and has a buttload of chemo and radiation ahead so I've been doing a lot of hospital time.  She's the most stubborn bitch I know, she'll be fine.
- Speaking of me, the fibro's been alright.  Went away for a bit, then flared back up from stress.  *shrugs* Still an improvement overall.
- In June, the cats and I will be moving to the city.  And if you're unfortunately from the midwest or Canadia and have to ask what city, know that there is in fact only one city on this earth and that is NYC.  Oddly enough, rent is just as expensive here by Rutgers, so I might as well.
- Also related to the city, I have a boyfriendman and he's ridiculously awesome.

Yeah, I think that's about it for now.  Also if anyone's looking for a good book I strongly recommend "The Somnambulist," especially for those of you with a soft spot for steampunk, absurdities, and Victoriana.  It was slightly surreal, lush and tart, and a thoroughly entertaining quick read that helped me while away a particularly boring calculus lecture that I actually had to attend for once.  Now really I ought to be in bed because I have classes, a hospital visit and prepping for i-con tomorrow.  By the way, yay for i-con this weekend!  My brain is in dire need of the relaxation and fun to be had there.

books, update, i-con

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