(no subject)

Oct 03, 2006 20:55

So I skipped Japanese today and now that I'm sitting with the HW in front of me I'm starting to consider it a very BAD idea.  I don't know how I'm going to get all these kanji memorized by Thursday when I also have to teach myself 2 chapters of Chemistry inside and out.  But I was so damn tired that I got a migraine and there was no way in hell I wasn't going to sleep it off with the kinda week I have ahead of me.  I'm glad that I finished my suikochaos app when I did, because there'd be no way in hell I'd find the free time to do it right now.  (Btw, Amber, what's my next move, eh?)  I paid off some of our bills today and I'm starting to see that I REALLY need to get a job, but I don't seem to have the time!  Tea and I barely get to spend time together or relaxing as is... But I don't know what else I can do to bring down these horrible credit card bills *winces*... If it wasn't for the $ my mom sends me every month, I'd be in DEEP.  As is, combined we have about $3000 in credit card debt, since we basically live off of the cards.  I wish there was something I could do like erratically from home in my rare spare time that would bring in some cash, even just a little.  I'm gonna try to participate in an Anthropology study for 45 min. tomorrow and hopefully score $10.  Hey every lil bit helps, right?  But anyway, I should go study and get good grades so I don't feel like a total mooch...

BTW... check this out... http://www.zefrank.com/dtoy_vs_byokal/index.html  you make your own digital kaleidescope of love... its hypnotizing...
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