Delta x is inversely proportional to delta y

Jul 09, 2006 13:13

So...long talks with Laura and long nights up staring remind me of the old days.

These were days before any of you, so no worries if you do not know what I am talking about.

Brenton has a problem with his keyboard because I cannot type appostrophes. That is funny.

Anyway, it all reminds me of questions regarding the essence of being and the way that I approach everyday situations, as well as the ridiculous. I think a little less now about thedetails, a little more ab out the final products. It is hard to explain via the internet.

Look at it this way. There is this experiment, right, called the double slit experiment, and it really was a test to show whether or not electrons were waves or particles. But something else showed up, something nobody really expected.

The dual wave-particle nature of electrons was something that everyone was "learning to accept" in a roundabout sort of way, but it was always a push-and-pull on whether one was wrong or the other was right. This experiment did something a little more chilling: showed that both are right dependent on whether anyone is watching.

I do not want to write out this explanation and go through the science of it right now; maybe some other time. In fact, most certainly some other time. The point is, as an observer I have a direct influence on the outcome of events. As an observer. Because the very act of bouncing photons off of something in order for it to be seen...that holds sway over the nature of things. Whether I interact, whether I walk away, having seen it, I have influenced it.

My head is a blur, and honest to God all I want to do is talk to Kevin. Really. Kevin, find a land line or something. I will fucking pay you to call me, I do not care, but I miss you and have only through other people found out that you got a new livejournal, and that you even frequent the internet anymore. I was half tempted to take a bus up there for the weekend...but...well, I wanted to try this first.

That, and your pink page makes me giggle.
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