okay maddycat

Jan 18, 2006 23:56

an update from yours truly....

lets see, what's new with moi? nothing and absolutely everything all at once. first off, i'm in love. that's right, you read it here first I am IN LOVE. it's disgusting and terrible and i don't want to talk TO much about it here, but this amazing man is down for ME. who would've thought such a thing? not me! that's for damned sure. however, this guy is the first PERSON i've ever wanted, no no, NEEDED to hibernate and nest with. this is a huge thing considering i'm wound tighter than an 8 day clock. really, i just want to tell the rest of the world to fuck off for just a minute and soak in the time with my hubby. oops, did i say that? ;)

other awesomeness, went to court and ENDED our 7+ month long custody battle. i didn't win the relocation bit, but i did win everything else. Kyan is MINE for LIFE! Shawn and I share joint legal, but that's it. Kyan lives with ME! MY BABY GOD DAMN IT! :) OH and on the 21st Kyan gets hopefully one LAST catheter VCUG or what the fuck ever it's called to see if he still has his reflux crap. when we went for his ultrasound on his kidneys and bladder everything looked awesome according to the Doc. however, this test coming up will hopefully be some 6+ month closure and there will be no more 2 week long stays in the hospital, no more surgeries, no more Dr's putting my baby into a seizure because THEY fucked up.... cunts. so yeah cross your fingers.

hmmm oh, i saw Wedding Crashers. that shit is HILARIOUS!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD WHEN HE JOKES! UNF! Vince Vaughn i will make you beautiful babies, no really, i'm pretty good at it. whaddya think? shall we give it a go? damn. ummm oh i saw American Gothic. it was some documentary or something filmed around these parts. frankly, that movie is the biggest piece of fucktard shit i've ever seen. minus a couple of people it's like this director guy went out and found every nerd, reject, and moron ever to say shit in it. i could have shat out better responses... no wonder people hate goths. after this i hate em to. =P you can ALWAYS count on me for negative feedback though. ;)

ummm other than that, i'm just working. going to Chicago with the boy to see the Sisters. however, i'm indeed FURIOUS that Dinah Cancer is playing the same night. i've seen the Sisters, i hated the sisters live, i paid to god damned much for the tix to see the sisters, and honestly i'm about to send the boy alone sell my ticket and go see good ol Dinah. seriously though, the boy has wanted to see then for 15+ years.... it's just not fucking fair. either way we're getting a hotel and will be in town for a couple of nights. YAY! i'm especially excited to hang out on the 2nd night with Mark and the rest of the SHOC Crew! YAY!!!! DRINKING!!! BOOZE!!! SKINHEADS!!!! OI! hehehehhehe. speaking of skinhead, the boy sent me his favorite Fred Perry and it smells like stinky, sweaty, Aussie. i feel loved.

so yeah, s'bout it. looking forward to hearing positive baby kidney results, looking forward to the boy, looking forward to the Supermen at the Fabulous February Fiesta, looking forward to Tardi Gras, looking forward to seeing the boy's face at the Sisters, looking forward to Chicago insanity/debauchery, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i guess that's it really.

2006 is the year of the dog, can i say RUFF!!! living the Amarian Dream since 1982. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm dreaming. i sleep now.

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