some new stuff

Sep 17, 2006 14:56

hey everyone!
so things are going ok for me here in idaho. i have been working...a lot. and its really not worth it because stupid idaho has such a low min wage. i cant support myself at all. so as a second job to subway, i have been doing yard work for my gramma. which seriously is a huge thing. she has a very large, very extravegent yard. so i have had some artistic fun, making it look all pretty and whatnot. so i basicly am working those two jobs.
went to oregon last weekend. it was AMAZING. thanks again Ali for going to a movie and hanging out! it was a blast :)
i also got to go camping with cooper and amanda, and a couple other people at the coast. it was great fun. and the weather couldnt have been any better. At all. the coast was as beautiful as ever, and i miss it a lot :/
So for the most part i got to spend the rest of the time with my man. i missed him so much, and it was great to just be with him for 5 days. He is the best :) and totally spoiled me.
he really wants me to move back to oregon, and so do it. im just scared, its a big leap going back by myself, and getting yet another new job, and a place to live. it will take a lot of work. i dont know if im going to do it yet for sure. and i know if i dont me and cooper dont really have a chance. we cant do long distance forever. its just...a big thing to do for a guy, because if something happenes to me and him, i dont know what i will do. i need to make sure that this is really whats best for me. its stressing me out a bit, and i dont know what to do. specially since i have no money to even take up there to support myself till i have a job. I guess the first thing i need to do it save up so if it takes me a couple months to get a job, i will be ok.

enough about that...actually i gotta get ready to go to work. stupid subway :p i will try to write more. miss you all!

<3 steph
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