The days are so sad&I just keepThinkin bout the luv that we had&Im missin u&nobody no's it but me

Jul 07, 2004 14:48

Shew, I wouldn't be up this early if Mark (from va beach) hadn't messaged me on yahoo this mornin at 1 sumfin..shew....but anyways

**IF YOU DIDN'T READ MY LAST ENTRIE GO NOW!or you'll be lost!!!  Read last entrie yep okay now that we got that out of the way!

YESTERDAY bitty came up my house for a lil bit! wee i had fun...she saved my day from bein boring and completely depressing go bitty! and her bascially sat on here and chatted and she filled my trashcan up with sunflower seeds and spilled mountain dew all over herself ha ha what a loser right? everyoen point and laugh *points and laughs* lol nah J/k stop laughing at bitty if you don't you'll begin to feel the wrath of amber! lol....anyways she's probably comin back up today or at least she'd better or i'll go down there and drag her ass up t he road!lol But then spencer got online and ruined our fun...nah didnt ruin it just kinda made me sad...he made me feel liek such a bad person i felt horrible about the whole break up...i still kinda do...and i miss him a lot, but i dont really know if its because i know that our friendship is still iffy or if i miss bein his girlfriend.... we talked about all the serious subjects that perplexed us ya know why i broke up with him...if we'd still be friends...does he hate me? things got out in the open and i knew i had to take advantage of that moment since everything is gettin thrown out there so i asked and said everyhting that i could...yeah it was interesting....bitty made it easier for me though so go bitty again! wee *does cheerleader jump* lol...

LAST night i got to talk to Spencer on yahoo again after the break up for a while at was pretty casual conversation, but i did touch on some iffy subjects about what would happen if we saw each other in public are we gunna still be friends etc...i think things will be okay in the end...but right now i'm still missing him..i wish i could talk to him right now...i guess the old saying is don't know what ya got til its gone....

TODAY i set my alarm to go off at 12 so i could get up and call Savannah before her and Spencer and Donnie went swimmin at her nana's house....yeah so I had to read her something that made her was busy first time i tried to call and i vaguely remember me turning the phone off and then turnin it back on and pushin redial like 90 times cuz i wanted to go back to sleep and i got so lazy that and i wanted to know what time it was so i hung up and dialed time cuz i didnt feel like opening my eyes!Lol  and when i finally got ahold of her and read it to her i had to get on yahoo and write a message to someone for her shew i should get a tip or sumifn cuz i'm just like everones own lil messenger service...i think savannah's making a necklace for me or sumfin though so i suppose it's worth it....shew i just say she'd better be grateful i love her i dont lose sleep for just anyone....i tried to go back to sleep after i got off the phone with her and did actually but of course like i stated at the beginning mark had to message me and wake me up..he found it funny, i felt differently!lol oh well here's some randoms:


## I talked to Libby on the phone last night....i've missed her!

## I need to write a would be really good right now with all my feelings

## funny how sayings you never thought would apply to you..suddenly do over don't know what ya got til its gone...

## bitty's comin down today maybe...i think i said that earlier

## i gotta call savannah back....its busy now though

## all my randoms...have dots between something with an extra explanation lol

## i ate a grilled cheese just was yummy

## i'm not goin to the mall tomorrow...i may go saturday with my dad

## don't you hate homophobic people?....i think it's incredibly rude how they sit and can say things about others lifestyles but then expect them to be acceptant and understand about their's...not right people

## i wish i was asleep...damn mark for wakin me up lol

## feels like i'm forgetting something...i guess i'll remember later

## outta randoms

So i'm done updating for today...hope ya read it and enjoyed it...hmm i dont know what to make of life anymore...things kinda get fucked up all at once and shew but anyways...i'm done now



Words to Ponder:

"Let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions."

--I John 3:18

"The measure of ones devotion is doing, not merely  saying.  Love is demonstration, not merely saying. Love is demonstration, not merely declaration.

--Anonymous...i mean no not anonymos..umm i said it yeah thats rigth (jokingly)

"Has he truley changed? or is he just a lier with nothing to lie about?"

--Ani Difranco

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