Shitswazzle.. It's been a whilzzle

Feb 06, 2006 21:15

I wish I was Snoop Dawg.. He's so much cooler then me, But at least I don't have a stinkie winkie. I am so bored. B-O-R-E-D. You can stop reading now. I wanna play pool, again, forever, and ever. It's just something about racking those balls. I played pool at some bowling alley in Kingston .. and put a hole in the roof when I insisted that I could juggle. I also played 10 pin bowling which also didn't go so well, my thumb got stuck and I hit the floor.I haven't been to work in ..forever. Now I work on Thursday and Saturday. Hurray! I have a strong urge to drink a hell of a lot. I wish Haley or Megan would buy me porn! Haha it's lonely being a loner. My teeth hurt. Second semester started today, as I'm sure you all know. I have co-op all morning, she always talks about me..then History..which I think Mr.Adams was delighted to see I signed up for him again, then Math with Mrs.Campbell .. I hope I don't look like her when I grow up. I wonder if teachers have livejournals? That would be so weird.. I would hate to count the number of entries that I talk about how robusk Mr.Adams legs are. I will however miss Lenny's days accounts of their history class together..I think they will just have to go out for coffee and update about it. I need to get drunk .. and laid..other way around.. I would like to remember it. I think I'm a little high right now. I can't quite see right, I'm typing super duper fast and can't stop, as well I just woke up to see your naked mom hiding under my desk..Wonder how long she's been there.. Guess I should have untied the leash.

monkey gone to heaven -..can't remember.

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