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Oct 17, 2004 16:32

haha i was like talkin to my friend sam right? and like he asked me if i've learned how to be a pirate and i said no and then we got into this hilarious convo! so read it! ...:

woogyboogy26: have you learned how to be a pirate lassie arrrrrr?
ima ditz717: haha hmm no i dont think so.... maybe i need to take a class
woogyboogy26: well ye see now
woogyboogy26: ye haffs to pillage the coast aye
woogyboogy26: an ye nee' to swab the poop deck
ima ditz717: ah! we have to start smaller so that i can understand and speak that whole language
woogyboogy26: arrrr
woogyboogy26: ye 'ead be fill a boulders
woogyboogy26: now fist ye be needin ye pirate garb
woogyboogy26: got ye bandana?
woogyboogy26: arrr
ima ditz717: yes
woogyboogy26: eye patch?
woogyboogy26: arrrrg
ima ditz717: ahh hold up lemme get it
ima ditz717: kk i got it
woogyboogy26: arrrrr matey
woogyboogy26: naw
woogyboogy26: we needs to be learnin' you in the pirate talk
ima ditz717: yes i need to learn
woogyboogy26: make sure ye say arrrr 'n arrrrg 'n arrrrrrrga lots
woogyboogy26: be true
ima ditz717: well wait what does it mean
woogyboogy26: arrrrrrr is arrrrrrrr
woogyboogy26: arrrrrg is arrrrrg
woogyboogy26: arrrrrrrrga is arrrrrrga
ima ditz717: i see
woogyboogy26: it mean whatever ye want it to mean lassie
ima ditz717: arrr
ima ditz717: lol
woogyboogy26: we pirates dont laugh lassie
woogyboogy26: arrrrrr
ima ditz717: why not!
woogyboogy26: cause then wees look like yellow bellie land lubers
ima ditz717: ohh i seee well arrrga
woogyboogy26: unless ye be laughing at te yellow bellie land lubers arrrrr
woogyboogy26: follow me now matey
ima ditz717: well matey i have to eat brb!
imaditz717 is away at 3:49:12 PM.
woogyboogy26: arrrrr

Auto response from ima ditz717: brb!

woogyboogy26: leaving mees te swab me own poop deck?! arrrrrg
woogyboogy26: why i oughta keel haul ye
woogyboogy26: wit' the ropes n' such
woogyboogy26: arrrrrrr

haha me and sam's wonderful pirate learning convo! he cracksss me up! lol leave a comment losers! (jk ur not a loser!)
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