its been years...

Feb 16, 2007 15:34

Hey you guys.... Crazy year... Finding a projects... choir... High School Musical.

How has everyone been? I've been good. I have now been with David Geisinger, 20 from Pitt for about 11 monthes now. My closest friends consist of Erica (from ohio) =) Colin Farley (my closest friend in Moon), Sara, Will, Chrysti, Mike, Anthony, and the list goes on. I'm getting by in Moon now and I got excepted into Pitt at Johnstown. Major? No idea. I'm going in undecided... probably humanities... But when I visited the campus, I literally fell in love with it. Although its 2 and 1/2 hours away, I think the experience will be worth it.

For the musical I am in... "High School Musical" its well under way. I am understudy to one of the leads, "Sharpay" and a nerd named "Kratnoff." The one if you ever saw the movie that says, "Is that legal?" As for choir, Miss Cole my choral director seems to own my soul. And I have 46 hours hours done for my senior project of shadowing her. I only needed 25. =) Some extra hours in the bank.

One bumb a week ago though was asking David if I could go with Colin to the Prom. I asked David, "Its a leap of faith for me to go to Pitt, so can't you have faith in me and tell me Prom is ok?"
After a day or two he said he'll be, "ok" with it."

But to sum it up, I'm doing well... I am quite happy... I love David and all of my friends and my life is headed in the right direction. Love to hear from some of you. Take care. Go play in the snow.


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