Silly You, You Think This Actually Hurts Me.

Nov 17, 2008 18:58



How can people hate each other the way they do? How can one be provoked to say such cruel words to another? I see this EVERYDAY now. Girls especially. Some teenaged girls need to learn how to be nice to each other. i'm not saying i'm perfect (cause god knows i'm not). BUT i ignore the people i don't like and if i have a sour opinion i do tend to voice it. (Except in this one case cause i have nothing against this person).

Isn't there something else we can hate other than each other? like mushrooms? or terrorists? like stuff that deserves to be hated. I admit there are people in this world that i dislike however i DO tell them (to their faces no less) that i dislike them. I'm not conceited that i'm gonna hate them behind their back and make snarky comments that have nothing to do with the person and are just plain mean and unnecessary, Jesus just tell the person you have a problem and leave it at that or spend the rest of your life being like that. And you know what? People are gonna see what you're like and they'll hate you too hopefully though they'll be nice enough to tell you that you're a serious pain in the ass,

I'm just saying...seriously no one has to follow this "Advice". I just want people to know that this doesn't really have much of a point. In regards to this arguement which is really only one sided: i'm not gonna acknowledge this further. Seriously call me what you want but please to my face would ya?, instead of gossiping to people about how i'm "slut". Pfft if sleeping with one guy (that i loved and who loved me) makes me a slut then fine i'm a slut. See? I admit it. and you know what?!  I LIKED EVERY FUCKING MOMENT! and i won't regret doing it nor will i feel ashamed of it just because you look down upon it.

So that's all i can say. and That's all I will say about the Matter so people stop asking.


i can't give blood!!!!!!!!!!! not that i was all the keen on the idea but it was a bit heartbreaking knowing that i couldn't cause i'm 20lbs underweight FUCK YOU scale! you lie! i'm not 92lbs!!!!!!...i wish i weren't so fucking skinny.

Getting It Over With,
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