Nov 29, 2010 22:00

this post was originally planned by me and turtle_aya  3 months ago i think. but due to my RL issues, my laziness and the lack of inspiration to do this, it got delayed.. rather it is long overdue. Sorry Aya.. i truly am.. so here i am now, fulfilling my promise (albeit so late) to what we have originally planned.  ILU my junno to our Jinno. ♥

Friendship is precious. among KAT-TUN members, aside from NakaNishi's friendship (which i find so awesome), i find JinNo's friendship so precious and just so adorkable.

Anyway, the posting of this picspam got delayed again, as turtle_aya decided it'll be great if this is to be posted in time for Junno's Birthday... and since it's the time of the year... JINNO PICSPAM STARTO!



jinno eating together or rather feeding each other like newlyweds. LOL



i love how they subtly/intentionally lean to each other...





and this... asdfghjklkjhgfdsdfghjkjhgfd *__*  i just find this so endearing and sweet... so full of <333

whisper whisper XD


pure Jinno randomness....





asdfghjklkjhgfd Jinno goofing off is always a sight to see.. i love how Jin bullies Junno but Junno accepts it with love <333


junno's laugh XDD








and this! idk what to say to this. LOLOL XD

ummppffff the stares.. just... <333















such a bad-ass pair! LOL

soooo much love is in the air! asdfghjkjhgfds ♥♥♥

and, Yukan Club days, this never gets old.. what a wonderful pair. LOLOL XD









they are rockin' asdfglkjhgfdssdfghj *___* (especially the She Said Perf screencap and the topless shoot) /drools



and some things just  never change. ♥








idk, but i always find it so adorable when Junno is being bullied. 
(dont get me wrong, i love junno ok :D)



Miroku/Bidou <333


random Jinno <333







this gif  just screams smex. and i love it.. ugggh. 8DDDv

and their playfulness is just one of the things i love about Jinno ♥
(look closely, look at how Junno attacked Jin's collarbones LOLOL XD)

and no amount of words could really express how much i love and adore this gif.. <333

and lastly, a message for Jin from Junno <333

♥♥♥ end ♥♥♥

hope u guys enjoyed it... forgive the simplicity and crappiness of the post. but then, sreading Jinno love is always a pleasure. 8Dv

credit post for pics here  ... and for the rest, idk where i got them, but if its yours, please do tell me so i could credit you.


be happy and sparkly, taguchi junnosuke, picspam, jinno is love, akanishi jin

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