May 24, 2004 19:17
wow ok .. this week and weekend are qonna be STRESSFUL !! and next week and weekend aren`t qonna be any easier either !!! WOW .. ok here`s my next few weeks ..
Tuesday -->maybe a haircut after school
Wednesday --> paper route after school
Thursday --> maybe my baby will pay me a visit that nite .. *hint hint*
Friday --> Dress Rehersal .. =D
Saturday and Sunday --> RECITAL all day from 10 in the morninq to 11 at nyte ..
Next Week ..
Monday --> sleepinq LATE
Tuesday --> Who Knows .. maybe last minute shoppinq then my band concert i think
Wednesday --> paper route after school
Thursday --> Finishinq my plans for FORMAL
Friday --> FORMAL after school with my ALEX !!!
Busy Busy Busy !!!
well i`m out .. lve it sweet aiiqhts?
Shout Out To Chelsea Rose Bilodeau .. who`s Grandpa isn`t doinq so well .. =/
i`m sorri chels .. and will I ALWAYS LOVE YOU !!!! i`m herre if yu needa talk .. =/
I Love You Alex !
don`t forqet .. yu still needa ask yur mom about June 4 .. =)