Aug 10, 2004 23:56
Today was just one of those days, and now I cannot sleep.I want it to be tomorrow already, I want to wake up feeling refreshed, I am emotionally and physically drained. Craig's grandma passed away on Sunday and the funeral is Friday. Craig is really having a hard time, this is the third grandparent for us in the past three months, and it is his last. Also it was incredibly bad timing seeing as my parents were scheduled to go on vacation this week, and had to cancel. They were scheduled to fly out to Cancun on Wed. night but that is now delayed until further the midst of all the passing away heartache the dissapointment of the vacation just made the situation worse, I feel bad. I am still trying to figure out my work schedule, and the more I think about it the more stressed out I get. I am trying to stay perky about it but it is getting kinda crazy over there and it just kinda makes me nutsos! I do not want to work anymore, and I do not want to go to school. Wow, I just sound grumpy now-please excuse that. Isaac came up to see the apartment last night and spent the night, we had a grand old time, it was really good to have him up. My mom was up this past weekend as well, and she bought Blake and I all kinds of goodies-WAY TO GO MOM! She is great, I really miss my family-I love them so much!!! It is hard not being able to see them as much as I would like.
I want to think of a job for Corisa, I know there must be something great out there that will be able to work with her-but I just cant think of what, and how she will get around all her obstacles. I want so badly for her to be able to feel a little more independent and to be able to make a home in San Diego-I know that is all she really wants. She loves San Diego. I spent alot of time on the internet today looking up possibilities-she is so talented, but there are so many things to consider. It hurts my heart. I just want the best for my family.
Sometimes it feels good to just sulk. Let me be sad for just tonight.