Jan 29, 2008 16:55
I was watching For Richer or For Poorer this morning and realized that there was such a good lesson and peace of wisdom in that short movie. In the modern world we're preoccupied with material things and have forgotten what really does matter. The people of we love, family and life itself. The miracle of making life, doing a hard days work even though the process of making crops grow are simple the miracle is still there. Same with love, even though it may seem complicated though in all reality its quite simple. The way someone looks at you like you're the only thing in their world thats love right there. Even though you may disagree from time to time and say things you don't mean the love is still there. And thats whats importent is that love its there and thats all you need. Like the old saying " Love conquers all." is true. Though it does require maybe not a day of hard work but many but the concept is the same.
I've been with Austin for almost five years now, we've had our bumps and obsticals to climb over but that love that we had from the first time we got together is still there. Even if we don't agree with each other we're willing to find that place in the middle where we can meet and compramise. And also that place in our hearts to forgive each other of our wrong doings towards each other.
Its just interesting to see how easily that life and love can be destroyed over something so small and trivial but it takes hard work to bring those things into life. I guess I dont understand how some woman and men too go through life bouncing from one relationship to the next when there has been that one person that I've saw them look at them the way you do when you're in true love and they throw it away just because this other man or woman as more money, a better body, a nicer car...It just confuses me? Why is it so hard to be totally devoted to that one person that makes you feel more special then the world itself. Is that so wrong? Even if you may be poor and not afford expensive things is that wrong? I've stood by and watched that happen too many times and I can't seem to understand it. Enough of my babbling now I'll leave this bit of wisdom if you can call it that. Laters!
a peice of wisdom