Nov 11, 2008 13:46
hehe I stole this from singer_midnight who stole it from shotgundivorce. It looked fun.
Twenty Years Ago...
1) I was born Febuary 29, 1988 at 11:30pm
2)I didn't like my mom very much as an infant I prefered my dad.
3) My grandparents were babysitting me and I wouldn't stop crying they drove me in their lincolin about a mile out in a feild. As soon as my dad touched me I was quiet.
4) I puked down my mothers shirt all the time and never my fathers...(I do actualy love my mom but I'm a daddys girl at heart.)
Fifteen Years Ago...
1) I was five, starting kindergarten with Mr. Bradish.
2) I was picked on allot in school because I didn't have a birthday on the calander that year.
3) My dad gave let me keep a cow he was going to sell after I told him it wasn't right. As long as i took care of her. Which I did till they day she died.( I was a farm girl growing up.).
4) Master at my ABC's bitches!
Ten Years Ago...
1) Enter 10 years old, fifth grade. I could count the number of friends I had on one hand.(keeping your answer jess)
2) Flew in a airplane for the first time!
3)Farm burnt to the ground..(a bit depressing but is a major part of my life)
4) Relationship between my parents noticibly not good.
Five Years Ago...
1) Fifteen with a "fuck you" attitude.
2) Smoking and getting into various trouble with my best friend of two years at that time.(keeping thise one to Jess)
3) Parents now divorced for 4 year but the summer after I turned 16 the man of my dreams became interested in me.
4) 10th grade year had an actual birthday on the calender I turned 4!
Three Years Ago...
1) 17. I was a bad, BAD girl when I was 17...
2) Sporatic, but heavy drinking, and allot of partying (many times ending up on crutches due to the fact of being a bit overzelous)
3) Quit school the first time after being fed up with teachers calling me lazy (a serious back problem made me miss school for months at a time)
4) Celebrated two year aniversery with Austin and now engaged,
One Year Ago...
1) 19, and celebrating my daughters 1st birthday. ( Born on Labor day, September 4th, 2006)
2) Made a friend from England who came to visit me that summer! (LOVE YOU JAMIE!)
3) Completely humiliated myself by falling in a parking lot and again ending up on crutches.
4) Had my second major surgery; the removal of my gall bladder. ( The first was a c-section to give birth to my daughter)
So Far This Year...
1) I'm now 20 years old, living at home, and raising my now two year old
2) I'm offically an AUTHOR! (it has been my dream since I was little)
3) I haven't ended up in the hospital for anything or ended up on crutches. (Knock on wood)
4) Started planning for my wedding next summer.
1) Slept in till 1:30pm after an entire night of writing.
2) Friends came over to hang out for a while
3) Did some research for my next book.
4) Finally cuddled with hunny and turned in for the night.
1) Slept in again...until late. I'm nocternal during the winter...I write my best at night.
2) Been on for only an hour.
3) Plan to write some more after some research.
4) Plan to read more of a novel I'm currently stuck in.
1) Up early for once even if I stay up late writing. I have no choice this time.
2) Court at 11:15am for stupid shit about medical bills for my daughter
3) After court off to Walmart to talk to the manager to discuss a possible book signing.
4) Depending on the outcome of number 3 I might be working my ass off to prepare for a signing or I'll be wallowing in defeat and regaining positive energy to try try again.
Wish me luck tomorrow guys, this will either make or break me!