(no subject)

Dec 22, 2008 07:44

Must be less stubborn.

I didn't want to bother anyone with having them to drive me about last night. So I managed on Sunday bus service to get to Milestones in time to meet my friend Nic for a drink and some food (they burnt some of mine... and it was the last of the yam frits so I got a free apatizer YAY) but that meant walking and bussing. The bussing not so bad once you get past how on Sunday's in Kelowna busses only run about once an hour and stop at 9 (sadly this is a huge improvement from when I lived here and you had 4 busses running to the campus on a sunday).

My vancouver friends are probably rolling their eyes at me right now thinking "oooh poor you walking to a bus stop."

Let me explain. This is kelowna. I walked for 25 min to get to a bus stop. At "feels like" -25C and in the snow.

I do have boots! Not that they did me much good.
Because I also have Raynauds.

Okay class today we're going to learn about Raynauds.
I have secondary Raynauds as a complication of my immune system being batfuck (ie. lupus).

Normally it's mildly annoying or amusing. I get stressed or a little cold and my body goes "OOPS WE'RE DYING OF COLD SHUT DOWN" and starts pooling blood to my core. Most people it affects a few fingers or toes. Me I get my entire feet, hands, nose, among other bodily parts. Apparently it can affect the nipples... I've never checked if I get icey nips when I'm stressed.

Woah dude how does all this happen?

I'm glad you asked. People with Raynauds have "vasospastic" attacks (yes...).. Where suddenly my blood vessles constrict and the blood flow to my extremeties is reduced. Doesn't sound so bad right?

Sometimes it's down right amusing. Like having your skin turn blue during break ups. Or losing all feeling in my feet during karoke  (or a job interview).

Sometimes it's a little annoying. Like how mild cold seems to cut straight through me to the bone. That sort of so cold you will never be warm again feeling.

Sometimes when the moons align properly it's one of the most painful things in the history of ever. Walking home last night my feet were numb except for my bones which felt like icey knives stabbing me every time I took a step. I hate this level of cold. Mix in the almost total numbness and I have to be extra alert. Extra careful. Sometimes it's pins and needles sat on my foot too long numbness. This. This is I can't feel it when my foot connects to the ground except for the sharp spike of pain that comes from the centre of my foot and if I don't watch it I could roll over on my ankle (and think I just slipped), break a toe (and not notice) etc etc etc. By the time I got to my parents door I was almost in tears.

Then you have to go inside.
To room temperature.
Which burns.
It burns like hygine burns the boys in my comic book store.
It takes forever for my teet and hands to warm up properly by themselves and  they burn the entire time.

Right now 11 hours later. The numbness is gone. My feet still hurt a little. They are colder than they normally are and they burn a little.

I have thrown both my hips off from trying to walk in the stupid snow.

Yes need to learn to be less stubborn. All I had to do to avoid this was to ask my parents to pick me up.
Goddamn I hate asking for help.
Maybe I could just cut off my feet?

P.S. I hate winter. I hate snow. i hate cold. This is why.  So next time you feel like telling me to chear up it's not that cold. Please remember that mild cold is FREEZING to me. Mild cold my body goes OMG HYPOTHERMIA TIME. Six months and we'll get to why I hate the summer (photosensative... I'm allergic to sunlight)
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