Sep 25, 2003 22:03
Hey guys*! How are ya*!! I'm actually pretty good*!! well...tonight at church it was the youth's night*!! well there was a BUNCH of us singing*!! it was Josh, Me and Whitney, Brandi, Cain, Bobbi, and jada was supposed to sing but she decided not to since so many ppl had already*! then Danny preached*! it was really good*! well today at school started off not too good*! Martha decided that it was "pick on Kristina Day" but I still love her*!! today we found out who is on the homecoming court*!!!
Seniors- Kendra Potter, Shacoty Miles, Sarah Delp, Nikki Stewart, Aaron Hess, Cody Crowder, Jeremy Coleman, and Chris Mullins
Juniors-Arnie Stephans and Victoria Addison
Sophomores- Caleb Crowder and Laura Witt
Freshamn- Emma Muir and Jay Coleman
8th Grade- Jaycob Coleman and me*!!
I was so excited that I got it*!! and Congratulations to eveyone else on the court*!! well tommorrow we play Powell Valley*!! AWAY!* I really hope we win*! GOOD LUCK GUYS*!! Luv ya*! leave me some sweet comments*!