never underestimate the power that is fangirlism! HA! *does super karate kick thing*
^^" in any case. I promised drabble, and here it is. it's the first time that I've ventured into the Prince of Tennis fandom, but it can't be helped. ^__^ the manga/anime is just full of slashiness. (I mean, it's all about boys... and boys, right? ^__^) in any case, here's one of the most canon pairings ever: Inui/Kaidoh.
Title: Untitled
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh
Rating: PG
Warning: Fluff
A/N: Derr.
Kaidoh wasn't sure, but he thought that perhaps Inui was starting to weird him out. Granted, Inui had never been... normal, per se, but he'd never made Kaidoh feel uncomfortable around him before. Until now, that is.
At the moment, Kaidoh was sitting in his classroom eating lunch, and Inui was also sitting there... watching him. Normally, this wouldn't have bothered him because, normally, Inui gathered data at any possible circumstance - except he didn't have his notebook with him.
"Senpai..." Kaidoh muttered reluctantly after twenty minutes of silence.
"Hmm?" Inui asked with a smile as he shifted his glasses.
"Are you... hungry?" Kaidoh would readily give the other his entire lunch if that would disperse this awkwardness.
"No, that's alright," Inui replied contently - not that Kaidoh had offered his lunch yet.
Now, he just felt weird. Huffing slightly as his cheeks warmed up, Kaidoh looked decidedly down at the desk and started cramming food into his mouth.
He would never understand his senpai.