ah just ventin out cuz i kno no1 reads this...!!!

Apr 03, 2006 01:07

so im really upset right now
i dunno if its just me that this kind of stuff gets to
but im tired of my dad && my sister doggin on me bout my
learning support classes
my lack of a job.

my sister yesterday started yellin at me
talkin shit like always cuz thats all she opens her mouth 4
&& shes just goin on n on n on bout
" how do u xpect to go anywhere if ur so stupid
u dont even have a job ur a dumb ass u bitch blah blah blah "
so yeah great
i sit there
not saying anything back because i kn0 better than to
L.E.T . M.Y.S.E.L.F . G.O!!!
i know if i was to one day let myself go on my sister
shed probably end up seriously injured
i kno this is probably a sin
&& its wr0ng
but ive held back my rage && anger towards her for a l0ng time
because i feel sorry for her
because i kn0 i had a l0t t0 d0 with her l0w self esteem
& i d0nt want t0 be that pers0n nem0re...
&& i als0 d0nt hit her because 0f my parents
i d0nt exactly kn0w what their reacti0n w0uld be
but i w0uld sure as hell be glad t0 hit her
at least just get 0ne punch in...
she thinks she has everything because shes smart
well.. c0rrect me if im wr0ng...
but lets say she gets rich && gets all this m0ney...
whats she g0in t0 d0 with it??
she never treated her family scrait en0ugh f0r us t0 even want t0 be
ar0und her
&& with her attitude & selfishness... i d0ubt ne0ne w0uld stick ar0und f0r l0ng
s0....0nce again..c0rrect me if im wr0ng...
but id rather be p0or && stupid than be
rich && l0nely///

n0w my dad.
d0nt get my wr0ng.
my dad is my dad.
&& i l0ve that nigga fa real... 0n that real level f0 sh0
but s0mething ive always had a pr0blem with is my b0dy
believe it 0r n0t
s0 he just keeps bringin up the fact that im a
fat ass
cuz " i d0nt have a j0b"
&& everytime this shit is br0ught up
i play it c0ol
u kn0...act like that shit d0esnt phaze me
but it d0es
&& rite n0w
its phazin me
a l0t
&& i just wanna cry & scream
&& i want s0me1 to hug me
&& tell me im beautiful
because alth0 i d0nt believe it
i like to hear it
&& i d0nt want t0 tell them
that their w0rds are cuttin deep int0 my skin
because i d0nt want t0 seem weak
ill just have t0 build a shield t0 keep their w0rds fr0m hurtin me
because i will n0t break d0wn t0 them
i will n0t sh0w them
that they are hurtin me
&& why is a j0b s0 imp0rtant??
s0 what if im fat??
ive been 120 p0unds since s0ph0m0re year...
&& ive been tryin to l0se th0se 20 p0unds f0r alm0st tw0 years
&& guess what?!
theyre still there
&& they haunt me day & nite
but i cant help but eat
t0 get me thru my days
i just eat
all day
every day
&& i kn0 its harmin me in the l0ng run
but i still d0 it
& n0w im afraid ill end up bein a bulimic chick
feelin bad ab0ut wat i had to eat && thr0win it up
& im just g0in thru a hard time
but if u read this
just pray f0r me

P0R FAV0R...
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