
Jan 20, 2009 16:57

Haven't updated in a while, so here goes:

Leslie and I are doing well, thank you for all the continued support. It's rough going at times, but then I'm reminded why its worth fighting for.

I got a facebook thingy, still figuring out how it works.

Work: Is good, my supervisor retired, but my unit is handling our own until they hire a replacement next year due to the budget. I'm also the AIDS/HIV Coordinator for the City now, which brings alot of work, but well worth it. I was stranded in Milwaukee, -10 degrees!

TV: BSG is always great, but aside from this, I'm watching little. Damages, Nip Tuck, The Beast (new patrick swayze fbi show, kind of fun), and Gossip Girl, yes I can admit it. We'll see if Chuck, Heroes, Life, and Reaper are still on my strong list. I've also been rewatching Homicide.

Movies: Too long to post, I'll have Oscar thoughts later on after nominations this thursday!

Friends: Chafee is through the surgery, so he's back to work with the Police. The Tribe continue to be a source of warmth and happiness. I miss my friends and travelling through the Cam, but not enough to play that horrid horrid game. I am completely dissapointed in what the club (I typed and retyped My Club, but its not mine, not anymore) has become. I could go on, but those on here that know me, know how I feel. Its got no soul for me.

Books: Cormac McCarthy continues to amaze me. I recently finished The Road and am now reading Blood Meridian. Awesome. His prose is simply insane. Limen! Read the Road so we can talk about it! I also actually read Homicide, David Simon's book that The Wire and Homicide were based on. Just knowing that most of these things actually happened amazes me.

Comics/Cthulhu: Fall of Cthulhu continues to keep me entertained.

Puppy: The Bunk is doing well, I'll try to update with some pics.


Board: BSG is a ton of fun, although as humans we've only won once.

Online: Messing around with CoH to spend some time with Smitty and Shea. Fun, but light.
I play Left 4 dead and CoD on Xbox when I get the time.


1. Midnight: My wife is the best GM ever. I'm playing a gnome channeler, a la stringer bell/lando calrissian, resistance leader. The party thinks I'm a gnomish obama trying to unite the people against the Shadow, its some awesome RP being the only Good alignment in the party!

2. Call of Cthulhu Supers: My Beyond campaign continues to run, its going well, some serious RP. Although, the once a month saddens me because its long between games and we play virtually all day, so they will be done soon!

3. Future Projects: I am beginning to create my own homebrew fantasy world. This is a challenge for me because I dislike fantasy so much(I know, revoke the geek card) I'm planning on 4th ed, but once I get some ideas, I'm going to post here for feedback!

I think that its for the moment!
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