Guys! Two fanvids about SPN and Sam&Dean! one new, one remastered!

Nov 02, 2011 09:10

Hello lovelies!

Two Brand New Spanking Vids about our favorites brothers:
" All the people that I know have gained the world then lost their soul" Dean POV
Made by Likaella on Youtube.


A few days ago, after the episode 7.06, Cha,one of the best author of fanfic about Sam&Dean on LJ, posted a topic about
what makes Dean who he is. Likiel posted a loooong comment to respond to that, the girl is just to enthusiasm sometimes. Me? I made this.

This video is my answer to that question, but also to those: Who made Dean who he is, What moments of his life marked him forever? and above all, why?
That when the song take its meaning. The plot? Simple, follow the lyrics.

REMASTERED: Sam/Dean vs Lisa- Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere. Sam POV

Made by Likaella on Youtube.


Ok, This vid is not for Lisa's fan, people and I don't take flames. I tried to be very objective about my feeling towards Lisa's character. To know more, read the description of the vid. This vid is also a Wincest- ish, and an AU because the Braedens find an unexpected... fate in this. I remastered it because I get many good comments, private or not and a lot of hits on Youtube, so I wanted to do better.



You can find the ensemble of all our videos+the ficlets that belongs to them in AO3 on the story: "The Great Theatre of The Epic Love Story Of Sam & Dean."

Let her know on youtube what you think and let me know here, if you liked it!



genre: vidfic, likaella, pairing: sam winchester/dean winchester, genre: brotherly love., genre: fanvid, supernatural

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