Title: A Deriva.
likielArtist/Song: Antonio Pinto "Ausencia Praia"
Rating: G
Diclaimers: Not mine.
Summary: "If we are not our brother's keeper, at least let us not be his executioner." Marlon Brando.
Notes: This is the fill to the prompt "Brother" of my
spn_30snapshots 's
Table. Also available on
AO3.This is my first Sony Vegas video! You guys HAVE to tell me what you think of it! For those who are already familiar with my work, I really really hope you'll this. please read the description of the video. Kiss y'all. (Click the image to see the video.)
This is my first video with Sony. You wouldn’t believe the hell I went through with this crap, I suffered so much! My big brother gifted me with it at Christmas and we are at the end of January, proof enough of how hard it was for me to make this vid! So please, please be nice, I know it’s far from perfect, but now that I have my hands on the heel, it can only get better right?
The idea of this is born because of the music track “Ausencia Praia” (prayer to the ocean) soundtrack of one of my favorite movie “A Deriva” and composed by the genius Antonio Pinto. I’m sure a lot of you know who Antonio Pinto is, but I know “A Deriva” isn’t that notorious, which is a shame, because it’s a very powerful movie about family, love and betrayal. I decided to name my video after the movie.
“A Deriva” means “ Drifting” in the meaning of letting yourself fall apart. This track is a masterpiece, and I wanted for so long, to do a video about Sam & Dean with it. I used a blue and cold ambiance almost all along the video, reminder of the sea and the melancholy but also reminder of devotion, of sacrifice.
The Marlon Brando’s quote it’s definitely a plus. A Deriva is the tale of Sam & Dean’s relationship to season one from season five, and I used this quote as an introduction because I wanted to put in the light how much being “brother” is different for the Winchester that for you average sibling pair. “Brother” means caretaker, father, mother, best friend and partner. But it had also meant rage, resentment, betrayal, smothering and pain. Sam fought toes and nails for making Dean to stop being his keeper and Dean tried so hard to let Sam being an adult and not the kid he protected all his life but while doing that, they almost became each other executioner. It did take hell, demon’s blood, the apocalypse and their two deaths to realize their drifting.
That’s what A Deriva is about. Enjoy and tell me what you think of it, it’s like my first video all over again.
Available on
Vimeo too.