So, I'm thinking wistfully about eventually getting a new guitar. A semi-good to good one. I use the words "wistfully" and "eventually," because honestly right now there are more important things that need my financial attention, like school or a new car. However, it's never too early to think about what I might be able to buy with the next bonus (har har) or tax return... depending on where I am with bills at that point of course. ANYWAY, I'm having a tiny bit of a
I have like a zillion bookmarked pages from online music places, because I'm really not too sure of what I want. I'm pretty sure I don't want a strat, or even a strat-styled guitar, because I already have two of those. Actually, for reference, here are my current guitars:
Picture this one as not a Fender and with the 3rd pickup colored in black with a Sharpie because I was cool like that 10 years ago, and that's pretty much what my guitar looks like:
Then picture this one with a little rust, scratches, gauges, and chunks of paint missing, and there you have my other guitar:
So, I think what I want is an SG. Well, rather, an SG copy, because I seriously cannot see myself paying over $1000 for a guitar. Most of them come in black or red, and I like the red...
but it's kind of played out. Then, there's sunburst....
but then it might look like I'm addicted to sunburst. Which I am. I'm seriously thinking about this one, actually, because it's a little different, I love sunburst-ish finishes, and it's about $100 cheaper than this one...
but seriously, this one is hot. Even if it's $600. Yep. So, that's my dilemma. Red, Sunburst, or White? $400, $500, or $600? Only time will tell, folks. Only time will tell.
Which one do you like most?
Mmmm, pretty guitars.
xoxo me