the next time you say forever i will punch you in the face.

Jun 19, 2015 18:35

Meme from doreyg. Give me a fandom and I'll tell you:

my “FOREVER” pairing ( Read more... )


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likewinning June 20 2015, 01:43:31 UTC
my “FOREVER” pairing Bruce/Jason ughhhhhhhhh
my “sometimes” pairing (if i’m in the mood) Dick/Damian
my “friends-with-benefits” pairing Jason/Roy
my “adele” pairing (“WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAAALL”) Jason/Dick a bit because UGHHHH their relationship could've been so much greater than it ever was. ;___;
my “hate sex” pairing idk I'm so not into "hate sex." I guess sort of Damian/Jason just because they don't get along but even then I like... need to make it work without that first.
my “working on it” pairing I'm not sure I know what this one means?
my favorite threesome / poly ship oof. I SHIP SO MANY POLYS. Probably a toss up between Jason/Steph/Tim and Tim/Jason/Roy.
my platonic “their friendship is too precious to mess it up with romance” ship Steph/Cass.
my “i love it but don’t want it to happen” pairing Jason/Barbara - I loooove all the stuff with them in reboot but I know DC would screw it up.
my “it started out crack but now it’s serious and i regret everything” pairing lololol most things I ship start out kind of cracky. um. Terry McGinnis/Jason maybe? I REGRET NOTHING.
my endgame pairing ughhhhhhh such a tough one. I don't really forsee ANY of these people managing to make anything work in the end, buuuut my little heart loves Tim/Jason too much to really deny that.
my “across time and space they will always find each other” pairing Bruce/Jason. Ugh, they're epic.
my “settling for second choice” pairing Dick/Roy.
my “I don’t want to ship it but I do” pairing hmmmmmmm. I don't think I have an answer for this. I kind of gave up shame a long time ago when it comes to this fandom.


daria234 June 20 2015, 01:46:21 UTC
Yes on Bruce/Jason :)

And yes on adele pairing - Jason/Dick has so much potential

I think Terry/Jason makes sense :) (Jason/anyone makes sense!)


likewinning June 20 2015, 01:56:57 UTC

I think so too! Apparently there's going to be a teamup of some sorts in Grayson pretty soon, and I am soooooo excited.

I've been hooked on Terry/Jason since I read this. I just, ugh. Punk batkids are my fave.


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