i woke up alarmed.

Mar 13, 2015 17:54

frommmmmmmm my favoritest of all oh_mcgee:

Where I’m from: Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Currently living in Denver.
Where I would like to live: NEW YOOOOOOOORK. IT'S UP TO YOU, NEW YORK, NEW YORK. or London, idk.
Favorite food: TACOS. Sugar.
Religion: Nope.
Sexual orientation: Bi.
Single/taken: Single.
Favorite book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower officially, Prisoner of Azkaban and Sharp Teeth really.
Eye colour: Green
Favorite movie: The Lion King (whatever, fight me :|)
Favorite TV show: That's still on TV? Gotham. Ever? Seinfeld.
Favorite band/singer: Nirvana.
Favorite holiday of the year: Ugh noooooooooooooo.
Favorite colour: Purple.
If I have any pets: Nope :(
What I’m listening to right now: Liz Phair.
Last movie I’ve watched: I literally have no idea, that's how long it's been. Maybe the Dark Knight Returns? Seriously no clue.
What’s my ringtone: My phone is not allowed to make any noise, ever. I WILL SHOOT A ROBOT.
Favorite male character from a TV show: Is it bad that I still want to say Dean Winchester? Fuckin' liferuiner.
Favorite female character from a TV show: Darla.
Favorite superhero: Dick Grayson. Ugh. Dick Grayson. >>
Celebrity crush: Female: Erin Richards. Male: ???? Renner???


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