Oh, Friday Night Lights. Just when I think you cannot POSSIBLY make me love you more, you go and do this.
I'm still not ENTIRELY SURE how I feel about Tim and Tyra hooking up for the first time in, you know, five freakin' seasons, but they WERE the most beautiful thing in the whole goddamn world. I mean, honestly. I'd seen the promo pictures for this episode and I've been waiting for Tyra to come back for TWO SEASONS, and this episode was just about everything I hoped it could be. JULIE AND TYRA HANGING OUT. FAVORITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Also, I cried so hard I'm still choking from it and I cannot even begin to talk about Tami and Eric now or possibly ever. Ugh, this show. I don't know why I bother with anything else.