- If you want to participate in this round you need to be a member of this comm, I can't give you posting access otherwise!
- Please read the rules of the comm carefully before signing up! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here.
- We're doing a free round this month. You only need to sign up with ur name, not with any claim. Feel free to use as many actors, actresses and/or musicians to make ur icons. The only rule is that all of the people you make icons of have to be older than 40!
- Remember that we're doing a 27 day round. So if you think you'll be really busy around XMas, remember that you will have a whole week more to finish ur sets :D All icons will be due on the 6th of January.
- Themes will be posted on the 10th of December.
tayryn brina_xo ufp13 flarn_chef chocobofeather datsue lacrimadargento sczep84 shadow_dragon81 lady_turner pigletem serendipity1991